Hope For Hair Loss
Hair loss issues can be as much an issue for women as men due to reasons like stress, medications, unhealthy lifestyle, and inherited traits. Many products on the market claim to be a solution, but the majority do not produce results. Wigs are an alternative with many benefits. Quality suppliers make realistic-looking wigs that are so comfortable they are becoming mainstream. Women who want a temporary drastic change, or conveniently mimic their own hair for a day or two, are donning gorgeous wigs.
Choose Quality
As you may be aware, cheap wigs will not help your appearance. The research and development is not there to give you the most natural effect and comfortable wear. Quality wigs do not have to be expensive. Synthetic wigs cut the cost but offer amazing color options and maintain their style, even in harsh weather. Cap construction can determine the cost as well, with monofilament top wigs and lace front wigs being a little more pricey, but it is because they are so inconspicuous. With a wide variety of styles and colors, the perfect wig for you is out there!
Look to Your Facial Shape for Clues
Just as using your face shape helps to determine a new haircut, this method can help you find the best wig style for you. Looking into a mirror, pull your hairline back to reveal your entire face. What shape do you see outlined from your forehead to chin? Here is a great guide from MakeUpTutorials.com to help you choose what hairstyle is your most flattering for your face shape. There are as many styles of wigs as hairstyles so no worry, you will find the perfect wig for you!
Find Your Best Color
Quality wigs use blends of similarly colored fibers to make the most natural-looking tresses possible. Selecting a color closest to your own will be the most believable. If you have not already become a silver goddess, rooted wigs tend to look the most natural because they give the illusion of darker growth from the scalp. Blonde or lighter-colored wigs with a basic cap tend to be less convincing because the wefts are often visible. Rooting will help hide the wefts. If deep reds or browns are your color range, you are very fortunate. These are usually rich and full of depth and dark enough to hide wefts.
Consider Construction
Basic cap wigs are extremely comfortable. Sometimes referred to as standard cap wigs or open-top wigs, they have wefting over most of the cap which provides great air circulation. Monofilament top wigs are virtually undetectable. The monofilament is a sheer fabric at the top of the cap which appears to be your own scalp, so multi-directional parting is possible. If you used to wear your hair off the face, lace front wigs can blend seamlessly into your hairline and be virtually undetectable, even close-up! You would be surprised how many celebrities wear lace front wigs on the big screen!
Shop Online
Start here to look around at the many brands and colors available and find the styles and shades that are perfect for you. Whether you want to stay with your most natural appearance or rev it up to a bolder look, anything is possible with wigs! They give you the power to transform into your best self.